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November 21, 2011
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday – November 21, 2011
Town Hall Annex
November 30, 2011

Present: Lou Trostel, Susan Olilla, Dave Milton, Lynne Grettum, and Bruce Rollins.

The meeting was convened at 7:02 PM in the Annex
The minutes from the previous meeting October 24 were approved.

Superintendent’s Report
The cemeteries were closed as of the 15th of November as is standard practice.

There were two cremation burials this month at Woodlawn Cemetery.

North Cemetery – Light Department support pole remains in parking area. This reduces the already small amount of off street parking available at this site. This became quite noticeable at a recent burial at North this month. We would like the Light Department to remove the pole.
The O’Donnell monument was installed.

Fall Clean Up - Woodlawn will be completed tomorrow (November 22). Others will be cleaned up in the Spring perhaps utilizing help from the Sherriff’s County Jail Department.

Trees at Woodlawn – Bruce received a quote of about $800 to $850 to remove the leaning tree from the recent October snowstorm. We agreed this was OK.

Stone dust should be added to the Woodlawn road and the high ridge in the middle regraded.

The Superintendent’s job description was briefly reviewed. All agreed it was still OK. As discussed previously, an assistant superintendent should be appointed. We are unclear how to recruit such an assistant. He could be funded within the budget as we funded Dick Wheeler.

Revolving Account
We feel we need more detail in this account to understand these figures. It should include burial fees and labor for burials.

Cemetery Improvements
South – Stonewall rebuilding work was discussed.   The quote for rebuilding the walls has not yet been received.

North – Road need improvement.

Improvements List – We should develop a list of needed improvement at our next meeting. The South improvements include the wall rebuilding and tree installation which we should schedule for the Spring.

Meeting House – The Historical Commission gravestone reclamation work has discovered a number of gravestone fragments some of which can be associated with a specific grave and some that cannot be associated with any specific grave. They asked us what disposition of these fragments we wanted them to make. We suggest that the fragments that can be associated with specific graves but put with that specific grave. We don’t see any reason to save the fragments that cannot be associated with any specific grave. We will let Alex Fiandaca from the Historical Commission know of these decisions.

Cremation Burial Requirements – Bruce has suggested that a requirement be introduced that the ashes for a cremation burial be buried in a permanent non-degrading container. Difficulties have arisen when the ashes from some previous burials were buried in only cardboard or wooden containers which subsequently degraded in the ground and could not be located when work in the immediate area was done.

Next Meeting
We plan to meet next on Monday December 19th at 7:00 pm at the Annex. This is the 3rdh Monday as usual.

The meeting was adjourned about 8:30 pm.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary
